Key Services



  • Advice on the buy out of loans from the Large International Funds who now control former NAMA Loans.
  • The sourcing of new finance and equity to fund these loan buy outs.
  • Negotiation of new loan agreements / performance targets and legal documentation.


  • Renegotiate the repayment terms / cost of loans with existing lenders.
  • Sourcing of funding for the buy out of loans from existing provider.
  • Coordinate the implementation of the new agreement / legal documentation.


  • Advice on the negotiation of new funding for property investment and residential / commercial development.
  • The sourcing of new funding from both Banks and non-traditional funders.
  • Structuring of finance to optimise the level of funds available / maximise the potential returns.


  • Advice on potential corporate/asset acquisitions including price to pay and funding structure.
  • Expansion of existing business through capital expenditure & organic growth.
  • Sourcing of funding packages and optimum structures to support the acquisition / expansion.
  • Coordination / Negotiation of the acquisition process including due diligence, professional advisers and loan documentation / drawdown.


  • Advice on potential value of company / business and strategy in advance of sale.
  • Targeting of potential buyers to ensure best value is achieved without undermining the business during the process.
  • Negotiation of the sale price and coordination of the process with legal and other professional advisers.

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